
Thursday 29 May 2014

Genealogy Notes 22-29 May 2014 - genealogy seminar report

It is a busy time with lots of writing happening. I always do a first draft quickly then take time to revise and make sure I have said everything I want to say. Then I sit on it for a few days to see if it really is OK. So some new articles will be winging their way to Inside History Magazine and I have almost finished a new piece for Irish Lives Remembered. I am also near the finishing end of the new course on newspapers and biographies for the Australian Records Certificate with the National Institute of Genealogical Studies.

The weather here has been absolutely glorious and you would not know that winter is only three days away. I have been swimming every day and I even managed a bit of a pink colour up today as I did not realise it was so hot. The swimming helps refresh me in between writing bouts!

Trove that fantastic Australian genealogy resource has had an upgrade and you can read all about Trove 6.1 here.

Last Diary I mentioned I was going to the Genealogical Society of Queensland's annual seminar at the weekend and it was a great day. I did a full report on it in my SHHE Genie Rambles blog on my website. You can read the report here.

My next genealogy event is a meeting of the Queensland branch of the Guild of One Name Studies this coming weekend. Really looking forward to that and really happy that they decided to hold the meeting on Bribie Island. For once I don't have to travel far.

My next talk is for the Queensland Family History Society's seminar day in June - Where There's a Will: Wills and Associated Matters in Queensland, Australia and the UK. I am doing the talk on Australian sources other than Queensland. So this coming week I will be working on that presentation, one reason why I focused on writing so much this week. Talks take a lot of preparation but at least I can usually recycle them with a little bit of revision and updating.

June is History Month and I have been looking at the print catalogue of Boolarong Press (a Brisbane book publishing company who support local authors). In the history section they have some really interesting books on Brisbane and Queensland history that I would like to read should I ever find time. My pile of books to read is now almost a bookcase on its own and I have been so healthy lately that I have not even had the need to stay in bed and catch up on all my backlog of genealogy journals, magazines and newsletters. 

One of the casualties of my busy week and other looming deadlines is my personal genealogy blog challenge 52 Weeks of  Genealogical Records in 2014 which appears on my website. Week 16 was on Naturalization and Citizenship Records and I promise Week 17 will appear within the next week. 

Regular readers will know I am a genealogy cruise addict and my next Unlock the Past genealogy cruise is their 6th cruise, a three night cruise sailing in and out of Sydney. There are no ports of call so just a genealogy conference at sea - what could be better? I am also going to their Norfolk Island conference which is just after the 'taster' cruise and Norfolk is a really beautiful place and another perfect place for a genealogy conference. Two conferences in the space of a fortnight - true bliss!

As someone who plans their life around their genealogy interest, I have been looking at the UTP cruises for 2015 and there are some really tempting cruises but I can't go to everything. No point living in Paradise if I don't spend anytime here! So at this stage the cruise I am really thinking about going on is the 9th cruise, a Trans Atlantic one in Nov 2015. This occurs at the same time as a significant birthday for me and I cannot think of a better present plus I have always wanted to cross the Atlantic. It is provisional at the moment as UTP are still looking at options but 16 days from Southampton, Boston, New York, Bermuda, Port Canaveral and Miami, Florida is really tempting me. It is relatively cheap too compared to some of the others. So here's hoping it gets confirmed soon.

Well enough dreaming. Time to start getting dinner ready and feed the troops. Happy researching everyone. 

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