
Wednesday 3 October 2018

Alaska cruise reports, SA school pupils & other news - Genealogy Notes 16-30 Sep 2018

That cold I hinted at last Diary turned into a rather nasty chest infection which meant a lot of bed rest and avoiding anything that was going to make me cough. Luckily it was the U3A term break so I didn't have to worry about getting someone to take my place and there were no other talks planned.


Visiting Juneau Sep 2018
The down time did give me the opportunity to do some blog posts on my US/Canada trip.
Read the Seattle DNA/Irish one day seminar report here.
Read the two part report on the Alaska Genealogy cruise here - Part 1 and Part 2.

I have also been asked to do a guest blog for the Genealogical Society of Queensland on the benefits of genealogy cruising and that's due week after next.

There are always new resources being released on the mega database sites but I was particularly excited to see that FamilySearch have just added South Australian school admission registers 1873-1985. Indexed Queensland school admission registers have been on FindMyPast for some time having been indexed by the Queensland Family History Society.

They also added the England & Wales national index to wills 1858-1957 which has been available elsewhere but the advantage of having a lot of these big indexes all together in a supersite is that sometimes you get surprises in the search results. How you search and who you are searching for can vary which is why I always try and do the same search in a variety of places.
Spencer family, South Australia

One way to keep up with all these new releases is to get the free email news from the various sites although it does lead to more email and of course, once you see an exciting new resource, there goes the rest of the day/evening while you check it out.

What's Coming Up

Next week is a super busy genealogy week - there is a two hour workshop on DNA analysis at the Bribie Library, the first week of U3A term 4 and I am giving a session on searching UK archives and finding records online and I am giving a talk to the local Bribie Island Family History Group at the RSL. I always like doing those as we go to lunch afterwards and the genealogy chat continues.

On 19-20 October 2018 the Unlock the Past team are presenting a two day DNA/Irish seminar in Brisbane with lots of my favourite speakers including Richard Reid, Louise Coakley, Kerry Farmer and others. There is also a Family Tree Maker stream for those who use that program. See the full list of speakers and provisional program here.

I have a blogging presentation at Strathpine Library on 23 October and I am one of the speakers at the Genealogical Society of Queensland's annual seminar on 27 October so it is a very busy genealogy month in Brisbane and surrounds. At least I won't be short of blogging topics!

Have a wonderful time with the latest resources and check out what is on at your local library and genealogy society. Attending talks and workshops is a great way to learn and make new friends. Until next time

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