The first two weeks of March were full on with Cyclone Alfred hovering around Bribie Island for a few days. Had to be the slowest cyclone ever and travelled all the way down the Queensland coast to impact the Gold Coast and northern New South Wales. Strangely it was not until after the cyclone/weather event hit the mainland that Bribie actually got the strong winds and rain. Other parts of south east Queensland were not so lucky.
To keep me busy indoors was RootsTech 2025 with lots of talks on offer. The Find Your Relatives feature ends on 11 April so make sure you check that out before then. I have 734 relatives now but mostly 8th cousins. Just be careful that you check trees and matches for any wrong assumptions, especially the further back the match is.
Below is a map of my Find Your Relatives connections in the US and Canada. Sometimes I find that these link up to my more distant DNA matches so a useful tool to explore. Remember ends 11 April.
This weekend we had the Scottish Indexes Conference so lots of learning this month so far. You can download past conference handouts from the website. The date for the next one is 13 September 2025 and registration is free but given the value offered, a donation to their website is a nice idea.
Stay tuned for a blog or two on the upcoming AFFHO Congress where I will mention the sessions I attend and other bits and pieces for those who can't attend in person. Hybrid conferences definitely make it more affordable for people without having to spend on airfares and accommodation. Maybe we were spoilt by Covid.
I have been working on a second edition of my Australian Genealogy Online and that should be at the printers this week. Looking forward to seeing the updated edition. Just checked Gould Genealogy & History and the ebook is here and the print book here.
Next weekend is Connections 2025 the biannual AFFHO conference which is in Brisbane. I will be staying at the venue rather than doing the highway shuffle for three days. Looking forward to catching up with friends and hearing some interesting presentations.
I am giving one session Mining the archives and attending the welcome function and the conference dinner.On the Thursday night pre conference I will be joining APG ANZ members for dinner and a drink at a local iconic hotel.
My next session is for Legacy Family Tree Webinars and it will be part of their 24 hour marathon on 4-5 April. Sessions are live in the time zone of the presenter so you can watch sessions in the middle of the night or at a more convenient time. Registration is free, just pick which sessions you want to listen to live. My session is Discover MyHeritage from Downunder at 3pm on Friday 4 April.
What's Coming Up?
Bribie Family History Association's AGM is now being held at the April monthly meeting as March was cancelled due to the shut down occasioned by Cyclone Alfred. We also have Christine Ianna a conservation specialist talking about saving our soggy treasures. Little did I think that we would have a cyclone just before her visit.
As usual my PhD research and reading will take up time with the weeks just zipping past.
Until next time, happy searching. Shauna