Monday 29 November 2021

Rootstech 2022, Winter Genealogy & More Newspapers in Trove: My Week in Genealogy 21 - 28 November 2021

 Wow there is so much happening at the moment I'm finding it hard to keep up with webinars and conferences. A weekend away at Tin Can Bay was good and took me away from the study desk.


This is a Twitter event by @ANZAncestryTime held every Tuesday night at 6pm Brisbane time (just adjust the time to your time zone). Topics vary each week and attendees answer questions posed by the hosts for the night. It is a great way to pick up some new tips and resources. If you miss a night you can go back and see the night's summary done by @tasteach. Remember to use the hash tag #ANZAncestryTime so that eveyone else can see your responses. The hour goes very quickly.

Association of Professional Genealogists Australia & New Zealand Chapter

Hosted the last Zoom meeting of APG ANZ for 2021 where we discussed what it is like being a genealogy speaker downunder as compared to the US and the UK. 

The impact of Covid and the rise of Zoom has also changed the way society meetings and conferences are managed. 

I also have arranged for a members badge  based on our logo for in person events which will come back some day.

 Bribie Genealogy 

Time was spent on preparing for the December meeting on Friday 3 December where I will be conducting a Christmas genealogy quiz on family history basics. I have also drawn up a list of 31 things to do over the Christmas New Year break before we meet again in February. 

At our last Monday night meeting of the year on 6 December, David Barnes and myself are showing members different ways of identifying DNA matches. 


Looking forward to THE Genealogy Show Winter Event this coming weekend 3-5 December. Talking on asylums in Australia and will be doing a live chat on Saturday morning. Not sure how that goes but the talk is prerecorded and loaded along with the handout. So I can just sit back and enjoy the weekend. We have 30 days to then watch all the presentations. It is not too late to buy a ticket.

The Scottish Indexes next conference is on 5 December and I have registered for that too. I love these conferences and get so much out of them. Plus they are free and watchable in our time. 

DNA Update

Totally surprised to see someone two steps away from my brother's Y DNA in Family Tree DNA during the week. It fits with my theory of Dad's father, although still all circumstantial bits of evidence. At least they are all pointing in the same direction.

I have been sent the first photograph of my grandchild due next year. Technology has come a long way since I had my son. His ultrasound was not all that recognisable whereas this image is amazing for the first trimester. 

The Zoom gender reveal party is on 4 December. They are in Sweden, her parents are in New Zealand and the Netherlands and we are in Australia. A multiglobal family. 


Going on holidays with someone who is a late riser is always difficult for me as I am an early riser. What can I do without making a noise before they wake up? Happy to say that I managed to catch up with my ejournals and emagazines. The latest issues of Who Do You Think You Are and Family Tree Magazine gave me lots of ideas to follow up. Do you know that you may be able to get them through the eresources of your local library? Worth a look and some libraries also have the print magazines for loan. 

SA Genealogy Nov 2021 journal, a couple of back issues of Generation from Genealogical Society of Queensland journals and ditto for the Queensland Family Historian from the Queensland Family History Society. Perhaps I need to get away more! 

RootsTech 2022

I'm excited to have been appointed a RootsTech 2022 influencer. This is the first time for me. 

Two of my speaking proposals were accepted and I have been busy reading forms and contracts. Also there are specific instructions for recording so I will have to practice with the unfamiliar technology. 

Registrations have now opened and you can sign up now for free.

This reminds me that there are still a few talks from last year on my must watch list. 

Writing My Family Histories

The focus this week was on Max's Spencer family as he wants to give it as a Christmas present for his son. I had a draft to start with and this week's just been filling out different sections and making it more clear who is who in the tree. There is a strong military presence so I am adding an appendix of those who served in the various wars both in the UK and Australia. Learning quite a bit about British military records which will be useful.

What's Coming Up?

After this weekend there are no more talks or meetings until the New Year. This will give me even more time to work on those family history drafts. It would be really good to start 2022 with a few of them printed and spiral bound. From there I could PDF and place them on my website. 

I'm going to miss online conferences but there is still plenty of presentations to watch on Legacy Family Tree Webinars and lots of genealogy tutorials on You Tube. 

The following week I will be attending the Caloundra Family History Research Christmas party which is always good fun. 

What's New

Trove enews in November was all about Western Australia. It is free to subscribe and a quick way to find out what's new in Trove. Check out all the new newspaper titles coming and thanks to the various partners who are making it happen. The WA and SA newspapers are of most interest to me. 

          Western Australia

  • The amateur sports gazette (1934-1935) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Daily News (1951-1955) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Dalgety's review: a weekly record of pastoral, agricultural, commercial and general information (1926-1948) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Freelance (1924-1925) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Perth Daily Telegraph (1922) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Sports News (1953) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Social wealth: an exposition of the natural laws governing the production and distribution of wealth (1934) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • The Sruss-Sruss (1931-1932) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • The standard: a church paper for the Diocese of Perth, W.A (1882-1886) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Suburban Life (1939) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • Victoria Park News (1949-1950) [State Library of Western Australia]
  • W.A. shipping and commercial news: pastoral, agricultural and mining gazette (1922-1923) [State Library of Western Australia]

Enjoy your genealogy week and stay safe and well. 


Saturday 20 November 2021

Exciting Progress, online events & what's coming up: My Week in Genealogy 13-20 Nov 2021

This is the first week of my new weekly genealogy progress diary. Yes I am doing my own genealogy. And I am having lots of fun and learning heaps. 

Honour Roll Peachester 

Events in Person

This is certainly something I have missed over the last two years. Yesterday I attended the History Queensland meeting at Peachester. Niles Elvery from Queensland State Archives did a talk on Peachester school which was a good summary of education records in general. 

Each of the member society present gave a quick catch up of their activities over the last six months. We had a wonderful morning tea, lunch and tour of the Peachester Heritage Centre. And we could catch up with people we hadn't seen except via Zoom for ages. It was really good.

Online conferences

Last weekend I spoke at the Virtual Genealogy Association annual conference. I didn't watch any live sessions due to the time difference. I also registed for the FHS Really Useful Family History Show and again because of time differences, I opted to watch after. Therefore this week I have steadily been making my way through the FHS webinars and classes as the link expires this week. Sometimes it is hard to watch everything before links expire. The VGA has given us until March which is not so hectic. 

One of the good things about webinars is that you can pause and then on a different screen call up a website and do some searches or whatever to follow up on what the speaker is saying. Of course, this makes for longer viewing but can be worthwhile when you discover new things. The FHS only cost me $20AU and that is excellent value when there were more than 20 speakers/talks on a range of topics.  So much to learn or is that remember?

My last talk for the year is on asylum records in Australia at THE Genealogy Show Winter Event 3-4 December 2021. 

Writing My Family Histories

With my new dedicated focus, I now have Cornish, Scots and Irish draft family histories drafted with images, citations and list of contents and illustrations. The indexing will happen after I am satisfied with the text. 

Mum's Price and White families are almost complete and I spend a lot of time trying to find my great grandfathers Thomas Price and Herbert William White nieces and nephews in the 1939 Register. 

Finding people can be an issue when handwriting is faint, poor or both. Robert James White was finally located under Robert F White - and I won't tell you how many Robert Whites were in Wiltshire in 1939!

The concentrated writing has made me realise that I have more on some lines and less on other family lines. This of course has led to more research to balance up each family history as I want them to be of interest to anyone descended from the same immigrant couple. 


One reason I am making some good writing progress is that I am not tutoring at U3A this term. However, with the goal to have all my family histories done by the new year, what will I do next year? So I have agreed to go back to tutoring and will do Advanced English genealogy in Term 1, Advanced Scottish genealogy in Term 3 and Advanced Australian genealogy in Term 4. That should be fun and keep me busy and learning new things at the same time.

Overseas Tripping

I can hear some of you saying 'what about Term 2'? My son lives in Sweden and I will finally be a grandmother in early 2022. The plan is to visit them and also do some tripping around England, Ireland or Scotland depending on how Covid shapes up in 2022. It is hard to plan now with all the uncertainty around this Fourth Wave in Europe but I will map out some travel plans with different scenarios and then see how 2022 unfolds. 


There have been lots of invitations to speak next year and so far there are all in the first few months as my travel plans are so uncertain. Some in person, some hybrid and some simply Zoom. At least Covid has changed how we interact online and given us so many more options to hear speakers without expensive or time consuming travel. Check out the Events page of my website for dates and places and remember I update as invitations come in.

Big events include two talks for RootsTech 2022, the AFFHO Congress on Norfolk Island, and two presentations for Legacy Family Tree Webinars. All very exciting plus talks to some of my favourite societies in Australia.

Thomas Price

What's New in My Family History

There is so much new I don't know where to begin. What I have noticed that revisiting some websites to check sources for my written histories, I have found new information and photographs that weren't there the last time. So  review and revisit. 

The most exciting find was the burial of my 8 times great grandmother Agnes Leach in Scotland. She was indexed under her maiden name of Mitchell and not her married name although she was described as the widow of Alexander Leach. In 1779 in Maryton, Angus, Scotland. Amazing. One of the places on my 2022 trip wish list.

The most frustrating is tracing my Price family. My great grandfather Thomas Price was the grandson of Henry Price, a coal miner who died in a mining accident in 1840. Just before the census. Henry's wife Elizabeth Peploe died before the 1851 census so I don't know where she was from either. They had nine children and trying to find common names in Staffordshire is not easy.

DNA Update

Just this week someone has turned up matching my brother's Y DNA and just 2 steps away and living in Scotland. That is a close match and the paternal country of origin is Scotland. One of the surnames the person is researching is similar to an American DNA match which is 4 steps away. Both surnames are similar to the surname I suspect is Dad's father's name. Getting closer I feel but definitely not straight forward. 

Takeaway tips

Don't give up 

Keep searching - new resources all the time

Register for overseas conferences - great value - some may even be free

Remember Australian online events may also be free or cheap

Review and revisit your research - maybe declutter

Write those family stories now - dedicate time

Saturday 13 November 2021

Webinars, Virtual Conferences & Family Discoveries: Australian & New Zealand Genealogy News October/November 2021


Diary is changing again. That doesn't mean that I am again getting out more in person to genealogy events but it does signify that I am looking to record more of my own family history. Over the last few months I have had more opportunity to do my own research (what a luxury) and I am finding more things that I want to share with other researchers. 

Sometimes I do that on Twitter or Facebook but it is not always easy to find things again on social media. Another place I am talking about my genealogy finds and tips is at the two monthly meetings of Bribie Genealogy which are not recorded. By putting these finds in a blog post I can use Google to help me find topics of interest. 

The aim will be a weekly summary of what I have been researching, any tips or tricks and of course, any success stories. This is partly possible as we are entering the quiet part of the genealogy world in Australia as everything slows down for Christmas/New Year and the January holiday period. 

Future Proofing Your Research

I have written quite a bit about my own attempts at this on my website blog and I am still on my mission to downsize and make my research more accessible online.

This is definitely at the forefront of my mind as I have been asked to assess a donation of records to the Genealogical Society of Queensland. It is five large archive boxes of research in no particular order. Societies cannot take large collections of manuscript material, especially if there is no order or easy access. 

By doing my own downsizing and writing up my research I hope to avoid this situation and to give copies of my digital research to multiple groups/people or make it freely available online. The trick is to do all of that before it is too late. 

In a dedicated push over the last few weeks I have been simply writing up my family history from my folders and database. Looking up and adding citations and wondering why didn't I do that 20 something years ago! 

Basically ending up with an outline of the family back home and the family and their descendants here in Australia. 

All similar formats at this stage but I have one draft for each immigrant couple. Now to add photos, edit, polish up and add anything else that should be in the history. There is a definite sense of satisfaction in looking at the printed copies and I can visualise the images and flow of the text. Now to keep the focus and go from draft to final.

The binders are slowly disappearing!

Binders are slowly disappearing!

New Resources

In October FamilySearch added electoral rolls 1865 to 1957 for New Zealand. Over 900,000 names and one of my grandfather's brothers, Thomas Price, spent time there with his family. Another item on the follow up list.

In October Findmypast expanded their exclusive collection of Catholic parish registers with over 100,000 records covering 59 parishes across Cornwall, Devon & Dorset.  Published online for the first time in association with Diocese of Plymouth, this valuable new resource spans 1781-1921 and includes;

  • Over 55,000 baptisms
  • Over 16,000 marriages
  • Over 15,000 burials
  • Over 15,000 congregational records

Each record includes both a transcript and scanned colour image of the original document. How good is that!

Webinars and Virtual Conferences

FamilySearch run free monthly webinars on a whole range of topics including how to use the various resources within FamilySearch, European, plus a range of topics on British Isles, Asia, US and Canada genealogy. Check out what is on in November here. Scotland is definitely the focus this month and even within a country grouping you can find generic topics such as Organising Your Genealogy which is in the US section. I tend to learn something new from each webinar.

For example I registered for the latest Scottish Indexes Conference which are run regularly and are free. As a result of revisiting some of my Scottish research and following up tips from different speakers I found the burial record of my 8th great grandmother. Just because it is a Scottish Indexes conference doesn't mean that it is all about Scotland, I have heard Welsh and DNA talks. Check out the programs, there may just be a talk that will solve your brick wall.  The last Scottish Indexes Conference is on 5 December 2021, details on the home page.

What's Coming Up?

At the time of writing this post I am at the Virtual Genealogical Association annual conference, virtual of course, and I have just presented a talk on the Australian gold rushes and how miners from all over the world flocked here in the 1850s. I have until March to watch all the other speakers and there is a wide range of topics.

My last presentation for 2021 is at THE Genealogy Show Winter Event in December and I will be talking about asylum records in Australia. Live on stage in a virtual world. 

I have just added my 2022 presentations to the Events page of my website. There is a gap around May/June as I am hoping to go to Sweden and see my first grandchild. 

Perhaps a spot of research in the UK while I am over there. No firm plans yet as the Queensland border has yet to come down and governments are still sorting out their restrictions, I will wait a bit longer before finalising anything.

Good luck with your own research. Stay safe and well. Until next time.