Wednesday 16 October 2024

Kiva Genealogists for Families, Resources & Other News: My Genealogy Weeks 1-15 Oct 2024

Hello everyone

Fresh back from a two week holiday in Bali. We haven't been since Covid and found it much busier than before. Airport congestion was unreal mostly due to having to do online visas and health declarations prior to arrival. Many hadn't and quite a few planes arrived at the same time. 

It didn't help that they changed baggage carousels without announcing the changes. 

But the people were friendly and the food was wonderful. We even did a Balinese cooking course so now to put that into practice.

The good thing was that I didn't get sick or fall over and hurt myself. Bought some nice casual dresses for summer and planning when we might be able to escape there again.


Our Bribie Family History Association bookclub has been reading some great books. Our current book The Girl Who Left: from Croatia to the cane fields by Debra Gavranich is about a woman who left Yugoslavia after WW2 to marry a man she had never seen before in Queensland. Based on a real life story it is interesting to learn more about Australia's post war immigrants.

One thing I forgot to mention in my September news was that I have completely updated my books on Library Thing. I also received their Tenner badge as I have been a member for over 10 years. 

The app is now on my smart phone so that I can see if I already have a book before buying it. A great way to avoid having two copies of the same book.

Looking forward to reading this new book from Nathan Dylan Goodwin. It is the next one in the Venator cold case series.


Ancestry has done a major update to how DNA ethnicity (now ancestral regions) helps us to understand our paternal and maternal lines.  

Dad has lost his Scandinavian and it is now England and Northwestern Europe (this must be the two lines where I don't know who my GG grandfathers are). Otherwise he is Scots and Irish.

Mum still has that puzzling Wales connection with no Welsh in the paper trail. Her Cornish is now a defined group.

Hopefully over the December/January break I will find some time to get back to those unknown ancestors and see if I can track them down.

Kiva for Genealogists

Another group I have been a member of for years has been Genealogists for Families team on Kiva which lends small loans to people in other countries under a range of categories. Our team captain is Judy Webster and we have been in existence since 27 Sep 2011 - that's 13 years so we missed that 10th anniversary. There are 264 members who have made over $550,830 in loans. 

That's an impressive record and by relending or making new loans it is amazing how your individual contribution adds up. For example I have made 194 loans in 71 countries. Now that I have actually looked at my stats it would be nice to get to 200 loans before the end of 2024 which will depend on existing loans being repaid or I can make new loans. I usually do this for Christmas instead of buying gifts. Now on my to do list so I don't forget.

Anyone can join us by going to Kiva, signing up and selecting the Genealogists for Families team. You do have to make a $25 loan as well.


The Trove Treasures e-newsletter for October talked about haunted buildings, tracing towns through resources in Trove, early Australian maps and a feature on brides from 1890. Everyone should sign up for this newsletter as it really does expand your knowledge of what is in Trove and how best to find what you are looking for. Plus it's free.

At right is an image from the the Brisbane Telegraph of Mum's eldest sister who was an October bride in 1938. Mum was only 4 at the time so my memories of aunty Hazel were always of an older woman. Finding this image in Trove was wonderful and it is just one of the many images I have found on Mum's family.

MyHeritage has an all new look to their Inbox feature for easier communication with other researchers. Plus they added another 56 million records in September. No wonder everyone is saying it is hard to keep up with changes and new resources.

If only we could do family history 24/7! But then the house doesn't get dusted, the garden doesn't get weeded and no food shopping gets done. Amazing how these basic chores take up so much of our daily life - how did I manage when I worked 9-5, five days a week?


Genealogical Society of Queensland's annual seminar was at the weekend. Forgotten Women and Children had an incredible line up of good speakers with varied topics on women. 

I was one of the speakers looking at homeless women in colonial Queensland gaols based on my PhD research. But many of the aspects I cover apply to all women, not just those unfortunate enough to be sent to gaol for having nowhere to live.

Left is an image of female prisoners at the Boggo Road Gaol. My great great grandmother Helen/Ellen Carnegie/Ferguson could be in that photograph which was part of a series in The Queenslander in 1903.

I still have talks in November and December so it has been a very full year of presentations despite my saying at the start I would be cutting back to focus on my PhD. Hard to stop something you love doing.

See my Events page for details.

What's Coming Up?

First is catching up with my emails and ejournal and enewsletter reading. As a member of numerous genealogy societies and other organisations I receive their quarterly journals and weekly newsletters. It is so easy to simply flag and aim to go back when I have more time. The only trouble is that 'more time' never seems to happen.

My plan for 2025 is to list all the journals and magazines in a chart and then tick them off when I have read the issue. Sounds simple but it never seems to work until I get to the end of the year and madly flick through a whole lot at once. There will be more timely reading in 2025. Wish me luck.

Until next time happy researching


Tuesday 8 October 2024

Conferences, Talks & Other News: My Genealogy Month 1-30 Sep 2024

 Spring has sprung down under and we are out and about at conferences. Here in Brisbane we have been commemorating the 200th anniversary of the settlement of the Moreton Bay penal colony, first at Redcliffe then at Brisbane.


At both the Brisbane History Group Welcome to Brisbane seminar and the Moreton Bay Bicentennial Commemoration Conference there were free book giveaways. 

Couldn't resist The Ethnic Presence in Queensland and John Pearn's In the Capacity of a Surgeon. The proceedings of the Conference will be published in a few months and will include papers not presented on the day. Something to look forward to and will be a good summary of those early years in Queensland.


The NSW ACT conference Digging Deeper in 2024, a virtual conference hosted by Port Macquarie was held on 14 September. Excellent speakers with Clive Smith, Andrew Redfern, Nick Reddan and Ruth Graham. Great value without having to travel and pay accommodation. However I do miss meeting catching up with people in person. Sessions were recorded so you can watch again which is a plus.

Also booked for the QFHS all day seminar on Family Tree Maker in person event in Brisbane in October. 

Starting to think about the Unlock the Past Genealogy Cruise in December. Lots of people I know are booked and it will be a nice finish to 2024. I am giving three talks on the cruise.

Looking into 2025 we have RootsTech 2025 (virtual attendance for me) and the AFFHO Congress Connections in Brisbane in March. Honoured to be presenting a session on Mining the Archives as competition for a speaking spot was very competitive. Also giving two sessions virtually at RootsTech on Australian Genealogy Online and Australian Military Ancestors.

Order of Australia Investiture

The highlight of my life so far was going to Queensland Government House to receive my OAM for services to community history with Max and my brother. The Governor is a lovely person and it was a wonderful event and champers and nibbles on the lawn afterwards was delightful. It is a small world as I was seated next to the brother in law of one of our Bribie Genealogy book club members who had received his award for services to the defence force.

PhD update

I passed my early candidate milestone so now officially a Ph D candidate. My database on 1700 women incarcerated in Queensland gaols is progressing and my research on immigrant ships the women arrived on is not as easy as I had thought.

 Discovering what name they used is not always obvious - did they arrive single, married, widowed or with their parents. The use of alias names does my head in but all good training for searching indexes for variant names and spelling.


My session at Caboolture Library on Convicts and Criminals was also a part of the 200th commemorations for Moreton Libraries. A nice enthusiastic group with good feedback.

My next talk will be at the annual seminar of the Genealogical Society of Queensland in October. Another excellent program of speakers but a virtual event. More affordable and not having to deal with highway traffic.

Check my website Events page for final presentations in 2024 and what is already organised for 2025.

What's Coming Up?

Christmas and where did 2024 go? My goal this year was to complete my draft family histories and at least get first editions up on Ned and into Trove. 

Good intentions but I am struggling with updating my sources to new archival online catalogue references. To be honest my citations were not as good as they should have been and time has been spent looking things up again. 

Happy searching until next time.


Tuesday 10 September 2024

Family History Month Weeks 3 and 4 : My Genealogy Weeks 16 - 31 August 2024

 Well that's a wrap. Family History Month in Australia and New Zealand is over for another year. As usual August went incredibly fast.

AFFHO Closing Ceremony 

This was hosted by President Sonia Russell and featured David Barnes talking about the AFFHO Congress in 2025. This is in Brisbane next March. Check out the website here.

The conference venue is modern and a bit of a distance from where I live. So accommodation is booked as the drive up and down the highway is not worth thinking about. All right if you live on the south side of Brisbane.

It will be excellent and I am looking forward to catching up with genie friends from all over.

Sonia also announced all the winners of the various sponsor prizes and it was nice to hear the names of many genie friends around the country.

Nick Vine Hall Awards

This kept me busy sending out all judges feedback to each of the societies and contacting the winners and runners up with the good news. Society journals are a wealth of advice on all topics and a great resource for family stories. 

Check them out at your Society Library and I noticed that some Societies are now sharing journal exchanges online with their members, usually in the members only section. This is exciting if you find it hard to get to the library in person.

Bribie Family History Association Book Club and Genie Chats

This month we discussed Judy Nunn's Khaki Town based around Townsville in World War II. 

I will miss the next meeting as I will be in Brisbane at Government House accepting my OAM award. That will be exciting as I have never managed to visit there before. 

Another two sessions looking at social media for family history research and an Irish brick wall for one of our members.

Brisbane History Group

Went down to Brisbane for their Welcome to Brisbane afternoon seminar on immigration. It was part of the various events to celebrate the bicentenary of the founding of Brisbane in 1824.

Papers on immigrants from Lebanon, Greece, Germany, Russia, and Jewish immigrants.

Brisbane History Group have some interesting events so check out their website here.


A trip up to Noosaville Library to give a presentation on Sporting Ancestors. They have such a lovely family history search room which is separate from the main library area. Nice and quiet with a computer and access to Ancestry and Findmypast and they are an affiliate for FamilySearch. Plus lots of great genealogy books and local history books.

I also did a live webinar for Legacy Family Tree Webinars on using MyHeritage to research family history in Australia. That went well and by preparing the talk I learnt a lot more about some of the features of MyHeritage. The webinar can be viewed for free here.

What's Coming Up?

Sadly we have to wait a whole year for Family History Month to come around again. However, in the meantime check out local and online events as there is usually something on each month. Your local genealogy society is a good place to start.

Until next time, happy researching.
