Monday 19 August 2024

Family History Month 2024 Week 2: My Genealogy Week 8 -15 August 2024

 Another busy week. Received some nice feedback after sending out the judges' feedback on the various society journals in the Nick Vine Hall awards for 2024.

8 August 

Attended a committee meeting of the Bribie Family History Association. Starting to plan our 2025 list of guest speakers for our monthly meetings. 

Book club reading this month

9 August

My early candidate milestone for my PhD on the Grass Wasn't Always Greener and the Incarceration of Women in Colonial Queensland involved a 20 minute presentation followed by questions from the audience of other historians and Griffith University lecturers and tutors. A bit nerve racking but got the green light to continue my research.

10 August

Attended a writing family history workshop led by Sue Reid and Clem Ditton from Queensland Family History Society writing group. It was our second Bribie Family History Association workshop for 2024. As usual our members appreciated having a more in-depth look at a topic. 

11 -13 August

Catching up with the week's email and working on presentations coming up later in the month. Also trying to keep up with the BFHA book club reading as well as all my PhD reading. Not really a chore as I love reading but finding the time for that and keeping up with genealogy journals is not easy.

Great grandfather Thomas Price

14 August

Hosted Genie Chats in the morning and then some members joined me here for morning tea and cakes. 

15 August

Practising my new writing focus - get up an hour earlier and work steadily on one of my family history drafts. Selected the Price family history to do first. What I am finding is that I can get quite a lot done in a focussed two hour session several times a week.Now to keep up that momentum.

What's Coming Up?

A talk on sporting ancestors at Noosaville, a meeting of the Professional Historians Association Queensland, more Genie Chats and a book club meeting.

I hope everyone has entered the AFFHO prizes draw. There are still two weeks to go and more prizes to win. See the website.

Until next time, happy searching 


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