Tuesday 10 September 2024

Family History Month Weeks 3 and 4 : My Genealogy Weeks 16 - 31 August 2024

 Well that's a wrap. Family History Month in Australia and New Zealand is over for another year. As usual August went incredibly fast.

AFFHO Closing Ceremony 

This was hosted by President Sonia Russell and featured David Barnes talking about the AFFHO Congress in 2025. This is in Brisbane next March. Check out the website here.

The conference venue is modern and a bit of a distance from where I live. So accommodation is booked as the drive up and down the highway is not worth thinking about. All right if you live on the south side of Brisbane.

It will be excellent and I am looking forward to catching up with genie friends from all over.

Sonia also announced all the winners of the various sponsor prizes and it was nice to hear the names of many genie friends around the country.

Nick Vine Hall Awards

This kept me busy sending out all judges feedback to each of the societies and contacting the winners and runners up with the good news. Society journals are a wealth of advice on all topics and a great resource for family stories. 

Check them out at your Society Library and I noticed that some Societies are now sharing journal exchanges online with their members, usually in the members only section. This is exciting if you find it hard to get to the library in person.

Bribie Family History Association Book Club and Genie Chats

This month we discussed Judy Nunn's Khaki Town based around Townsville in World War II. 

I will miss the next meeting as I will be in Brisbane at Government House accepting my OAM award. That will be exciting as I have never managed to visit there before. 

Another two sessions looking at social media for family history research and an Irish brick wall for one of our members.

Brisbane History Group

Went down to Brisbane for their Welcome to Brisbane afternoon seminar on immigration. It was part of the various events to celebrate the bicentenary of the founding of Brisbane in 1824.

Papers on immigrants from Lebanon, Greece, Germany, Russia, and Jewish immigrants.

Brisbane History Group have some interesting events so check out their website here.


A trip up to Noosaville Library to give a presentation on Sporting Ancestors. They have such a lovely family history search room which is separate from the main library area. Nice and quiet with a computer and access to Ancestry and Findmypast and they are an affiliate for FamilySearch. Plus lots of great genealogy books and local history books.

I also did a live webinar for Legacy Family Tree Webinars on using MyHeritage to research family history in Australia. That went well and by preparing the talk I learnt a lot more about some of the features of MyHeritage. The webinar can be viewed for free here.

What's Coming Up?

Sadly we have to wait a whole year for Family History Month to come around again. However, in the meantime check out local and online events as there is usually something on each month. Your local genealogy society is a good place to start.

Until next time, happy researching.


Monday 19 August 2024

Family History Month 2024 Week 2: My Genealogy Week 8 -15 August 2024

 Another busy week. Received some nice feedback after sending out the judges' feedback on the various society journals in the Nick Vine Hall awards for 2024.

8 August 

Attended a committee meeting of the Bribie Family History Association. Starting to plan our 2025 list of guest speakers for our monthly meetings. 

Book club reading this month

9 August

My early candidate milestone for my PhD on the Grass Wasn't Always Greener and the Incarceration of Women in Colonial Queensland involved a 20 minute presentation followed by questions from the audience of other historians and Griffith University lecturers and tutors. A bit nerve racking but got the green light to continue my research.

10 August

Attended a writing family history workshop led by Sue Reid and Clem Ditton from Queensland Family History Society writing group. It was our second Bribie Family History Association workshop for 2024. As usual our members appreciated having a more in-depth look at a topic. 

11 -13 August

Catching up with the week's email and working on presentations coming up later in the month. Also trying to keep up with the BFHA book club reading as well as all my PhD reading. Not really a chore as I love reading but finding the time for that and keeping up with genealogy journals is not easy.

Great grandfather Thomas Price

14 August

Hosted Genie Chats in the morning and then some members joined me here for morning tea and cakes. 

15 August

Practising my new writing focus - get up an hour earlier and work steadily on one of my family history drafts. Selected the Price family history to do first. What I am finding is that I can get quite a lot done in a focussed two hour session several times a week.Now to keep up that momentum.

What's Coming Up?

A talk on sporting ancestors at Noosaville, a meeting of the Professional Historians Association Queensland, more Genie Chats and a book club meeting.

I hope everyone has entered the AFFHO prizes draw. There are still two weeks to go and more prizes to win. See the website.

Until next time, happy searching 


Sunday 11 August 2024

Family History Month 2024 Week 1 : My Genealogy Week 1 - 7 August 2024

 The first week went by in a blur of events, both in person and virtual.

1 August

Started the day with a visit to the Genealogical Society of Queensland library down at Wishart. The drive is long and often horrendous with traffic, but always good once I am there.

Had to be home by 6pm for the opening of Family History Month for two reasons. First I was announcing the winners of the Nick Vine Hall awards for 2024. Congratulations go to Genealogical Society of Victoria for their journal Ancestor and in the smaller societies category, Cape Banks Family History Society for their journal Kith and Kin.

Second I was guest speaker along with Heather Garnsey talking about our time in family history over the last few decades. Heather is most associated with the Society of Australian Genealogists in Sydney and I have been involved in many archival projects that have benefited family historians with greater access to records. Plus doing my own family history research since 1977. It was a great chat with Sonya Russell, President of AFFHO asking the questions. The hour went very fast.

Both Heather and myself received the Order of Australia medal as part of the King's Birthday Honours in June.

2 August

Presented a talk to Bribie Family History Association on D is for Diaries, outlining how shipboard, military and personal diaries can be used for family history research. It was a good session with some members keeping the chat going over lunch at the Bribie RSL. Since then a couple of members have written to me about diaries held within their own family collections.

3 August

Up early for the trip up to Caloundra for a one day seminar on DNA with Caloundra Family History Research. Helen Smith from Dragon Genealogy and myself each gave two talks. 

Mine were about my personal approach using coloured dots and clusters to organise my matches. The second talk was a follow on with Looking for Granddad, a case study searching for my biological grandfather. 

In July I finally had proof for my theory when another descendant from that male line matched with my brother. 

Granny is probably up there cursing me for my doggedness in searching for the truth but at the same time, she should be saying 'what a clever granddaughter'! Secrets will always come out with DNA so don't test unless you want to  know the truth.

Then the drive back home from Caloundra. Great day but a long one and my brain was mulling over all the things from Helen's two talks.

4 August

Sunday at last and I had promised myself the day in bed reading. But I was too restless with new research ideas so it was a good day doing my own family history on the computer.

5 August

One of my favourite Victorian libraries is Monash as they have a very active family history group. This time the presentation was virtual only rather than the usual hybrid set up. My talk was Where Do I Start which is aimed at beginners but can also be a good refresher talk for more experience family historians.

Lots of questions mostly not related to a beginners session but I managed to field questions and provide further references.

6 August

A meeting with my two Griffith University supervisors on the progress of my Ph D on the Incarceration of Women in Colonial Queensland. My Early Candidate Milestone is next week and I have to be ready to present and impress independent assessors. Otherwise I cannot progress with my Ph D. Happy to say I passed with flying colours and I am grateful to my two supervisors for their support.

7 August

A morning session of Genie Chats with members of the Bribie Family History Association via Zoom. These chats are a way of talking about specific subjects or following a theme for the term.

Rather a hectic first week for Family History Month but the fun is not over yet. You can still register an interest in events being held, some free and some paid. There are prizes to be won so visit the AFFHO website for more information.

What's Coming Up?

More meetings, talks both family history and Ph D, a writing family history workshop and more Genie Chats. There is also dinner at the Bribie RSL followed by the Bribie Island Historical Society monthly meeting. 

Have a great time during the second week of Family History Month in Australia and New Zealand. Until next time, Shauna.